The Guru Lock Network sells the top high security brands from around the world. Each brand offers a unique range of products that meet our high bar for quality security items.

BiLock is an Australian high security lock brand known for their Quick Change Core (QCC) system that allows you to easily remove the core for rekeying. Keys in BiLock systems feature a unique U shape design that makes illicit duplication extremely difficult. Besides tight key control, BiLock systems are bump proof and extremely pick resistant, making them a great option for a multitude of needs.
EVVA is known for their MCS (Magnetic Key System) product line. Due to the magnetization, the keys are considered nearly un-duplicable, and the cylinders are extremely secure. These locks are completely bump proof and extremely pick resistant. Since the keys can only be made in the factory in Austria, key control is one of the tightest amongst high security brands, but this also means that ordering custom configurations take additional time.
Mobeye is known for their GSM alarm and security products, and is based in The Netherlands. They offer a wide variety of portable alarm products that are ideal for situations when wired alarms are not viable options. Mobeye’s line of products includes motion detectors, sensors for power, temperature, fire, and water. The quad band GSM capabilities mean that these products can be used all over the world.
Anchor Las is a Swedish brand known for heavy-duty padlocks. They are the only brand on the market to feature removable shackles on their products. Anchor Las padlocks take third-party Euro and Oval cylinders, are compatible with most high security brands, and are available in both shrouded and unshrouded versions.